Accueil PanglosRationalistes

Revue Exergue n° 92
 • Peur des mots: «Français de souche»
• Léonel Houssam: Manifeste de l'acharniste
• Bernard Demory: La France d'avant la télé
• Bourdin se paie Roland Dumas

Revue Exergue n° 92
 • Peur des mots: «Français de souche»
• Léonel Houssam: Manifeste de l'acharniste
• Bernard Demory: La France d'avant la télé
• Bourdin se paie Roland Dumas

    Retour catégorie mère Sciences Voir aussi : SociologiePhiloMythesReligionsSectesLibre pensée 


  • AFIS - Association Française pour l'Information Scientifique - AFIS se donne pour but de promouvoir la science contre ceux qui nient ses valeurs culturelles, la détournent vers des oeuvres malfaisantes ou encore usent de son nom pour couvrir des entreprises charlatanesques
  • Union Rationaliste - Association qui lutte pour l'esprit critique et contre toutes les formes d'irrationnel. Elle lutte aussi pour que l'État et l'école demeurent laïques et pour la liberté
  • Le Cercle Zététique - Investigations relatives aux phénomènes réputés paranormaux
  • Hot Air : IgNobel prizes - Rare and well-done tidbits from the Annals of Improbable Research / IgNobel prizes : Our annual awards honoring research which cannot or should not be reproduced
  • Darwin Awards - Given, usually posthumously, to the individual(s) who remove themselves from the gene pool in the most spectacular fashion
  • CSICOP - Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal - World-wide organization that encourages the critical investigation of paranormal and fringe-science claims from a responsible, scientific point of view
  • James Randi Educational Foundation - Opinions, Lecture series & bookings, Scheduled sightings, The Foundation, News, Books/videos, E is for Education, Scholarships & awards, Learning resources, $1 Million Paranormal Challenge...
  • Sokal - Site de Sokal, avec dossier de l'affaire : Articles in Social Text and Lingua Franca plus other commentary
  • - The Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine (Manifesto, Mission, FAQs, Shop Online, Lectures, Book Reviews, Online Forum, Archives)
  • Association des Sceptiques du Québec - Promouvoir la pensée rationnelle et l'esprit critique
  • Skeptic News - Critical thinking about paranormal, pseudoscience, psychics, parapsychology, Unidentified Flying Objects, Extra-Sensory Perception, telekinesis, tarot cards, astrology, horoscopes, homeopathy, therapeutic touch
  • Debunking Creation Science with Creation Science - This web site debunks popular creationist evidences by linking to creationist articles that contradict or retract the "evidence".
  • The Witchcraft Bibliography Project - Collecting and disseminating bibliographical information about books and articles in many languages about witchcraft in early modern Europe


  • Parapsychological Association - Parapsychology FAQ, Available FYI, Parapsychology Online - Science Papers and Articles, Calendar of Events...
  • France OVNI - Associations Ufologiques par région, Bibliothèque, Librairie, Publications récentes, Liens...
  • UFOCOM France - Structure, Les enquetes, Sciences, Les News, Les Anecdotes, Les articles, Les Rapports du GEPAN
  • SETI Institute Online - Scientific research on Life in the Universe with an emphasis on SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
  • The National UFO Reporting Center - Comprehensive and up to date UFO information source - Provided by America's foremost UFO Reporting Agency
  • Ghost of the Prairie: American Ghosts & Hauntings - American Ghost Society, The Ghost Hunter's Guidebook, The Ghost Museum, Detection Equipment...
  • Science & Spirit Resources - Promote understanding, enlightenment and exploration of the relationships between issues in the fields of science, religion and spirituality
  • Koestler Parapsychology Unit - (University of Edinburgh) Information on Psi, The European Journal of Parapsychology, General Information, Guestbook, Glossary of terms...
  • NOVA Online/Kidnapped By UFOs? - Believers and Skeptics, The Cases, Hot Science: Alien Evidence?, Teacher's Guide...
  • Journal of Scientific Exploration - Abstracts, Back Issues, Book Reviews, Press Releases, Online Articles, Links...

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